Learn vocabulary, terms, and more with flashcards, games, and other study tools. sv För det andra är denna uppenbara reconquista ett uttryck för Rysslands önskan att använda sin nyfunna energi för att gottgöra för 1990-talets förluster och ge igen för den förödmjukelse de innebar, snarare än för en vilja att bidra till formandet av framtidens värld. La Reconquista synonyms, La Reconquista pronunciation, La Reconquista translation, English dictionary definition of La Reconquista. Sending women to Virginia Why. Find a translation for the reconquista definition in other languages: Select another language: - Select - 简体中文 (Chinese - Simplified) 繁體中文 (Chinese - Traditional) Español (Spanish) ... English (English) Discuss these reconquista translations with the community: Reverso offers you a Spanish definition dictionary to search reconquista and thousands of other words. ... English and Virginia Company 1622. Learn more. reconquista is defined by the lexicographers at Oxford Dictionaries as A reclamation of territory, power, etc., likened to the reconquest of Islamic Spain.
sv För det andra är denna uppenbara reconquista ett uttryck för Rysslands önskan att använda sin nyfunna energi för att gottgöra för 1990-talets förluster och ge igen för den förödmjukelse de innebar, snarare än … 721 - The Moors are turned back from France with a defeat at the Battle of Toulouse. Start studying Reconquista. Timeline of the Reconquista. What does reconquista mean? He will firmly establish the kingdom in northern Iberia. 2. Information and translations of reconquista in the most comprehensive dictionary definitions resource on the web. The kingdom of Granada falls to the Christian forces of King Ferdinand V and Queen Isabella I, and the Moors lose their last foothold in Spain. 718 - The Reconquista begins with the victory of Pelayo at the Battle of Covadonga. Traducir reconquista de español a Inglés.

Reconquista translation in English-Swedish dictionary. Translate reconquista into English. Definition of reconquista in the Definitions.net dictionary. It's significant because it would help Virginia become a successful colony. The Reconquista (a Spanish and Portuguese word for "Reconquest"; Arabic: الاسترداد, "Recapturing") was a period of 800 years in the Middle Ages during which the several Christian kingdoms of the Iberian Peninsula expanded themselves (grew) by fighting the Muslim states of al-Andalus (Arabic الأندلس), the Muslim states on the Iberian Peninsula, and pushing them out of the peninsula. 711 - The Moors conquer the Iberian Peninsula.
reconquest definition: the act of conquering an area or a group of people again (= taking control or possession of it or…. Reconquista translation in English-Polish dictionary. Located at the en The castle was part of the defensive line controlled by the Knights Templar, a stronghold used during the Portuguese Reconquista, and adapted during the Restoration War to defend the frontier. Gave rise to Spanish inquisition, spread of jews throughout europe, and exploitation of the Americas. You can complete the definition of reconquista given by the Spanish Definition K Dictionary dictionary with other dictionaries : Wikipedia, Lexilogos, Maria Moliner, Espasa Calpe, Grijalbo, Larousse, Wordreference, Real Academia, Diccionario, Babylon, Oxford, Collins Find words for reconquista in English in this Spanish-English dictionary. What does reconquista mean? Reconquista translation in English-Swedish dictionary. Meaning of reconquista. Reconquest definition, the act or state of conquering or the state of being conquered; vanquishment. 791 - King Alfonso II becomes King of Asterieas.