Rendez hommage aux victimes de Mauthausen en visitant la salle des noms et en leur rendant hommage
Visitez la carrière Wiener-Graben, le quartier SS, la caserne des prisonniers et le musée de Mauthausen récemment rouvert
Visite de grande valeur comprenant les frais …
Establishment of the Mauthausen Camp. Nazi Germany incorporated Austria in the Anschluss of March 11-13, 1938. Au début des années 1960, le dramaturge Iakovos Kambanellis, né sur l'île de Naxos en Grèce en 1922, revient sur sa déportation au camp de concentration de Mauthausen, en Autriche près de Linz.C'est le moment du développement de la littérature à propos des camps nazis: Primo Levi, Jorge Semprun, Jean Améry.C'est aussi l'époque du procès de Francfort. Les baraquements et les salles de torture évoquent la souffrance et la mort qui ont régné ici de 1938 au 5 mai 1945. Survivors, American soldiers, and Red Cross workers at the Mauthausen concentration camp.
The first prisoners came to Mauthausen concentration camp from Dachau on the 8th of August 1938, just under five months after the Anschluss of Austria by Nazi Germany.Lying some 20 km east of Linz, close to the small town of Mauthausen, It was the first concentration camp outside of … Today it is a museum to commemorate the 120.000 victims that died in a system of 49 different camps. Starting as a satellite of Dachau, in Germany, it The camp utilized heavy labor as a means of breaking the prisoners’ spirit. Les premières décisions concernant la localisation pour Gusen avaient déjà été prises en 1938. Austria, May 1945. The most convenient and cheap transport to get to Linz (a city of Adolf Hitler’s youth) is a train. Excursion privée d'une journée complète de Prague au mémorial du camp de concentration de Mauthausen. The Mauthausen-Gusen Concentration Camp lies just North of Linz, in Austria. Photograph taking following liberation of the camp. Mauthausen concentration daily trip from Vienna will include Vienna – Linz – Mauthausen village – Mauthausen concentration camp.. MAUTHAUSEN CONCENTRATION CAMP LOCATION. Mauthausen was a Nazi concentration camp on a hill above the market town of Mauthausen. The Mauthausen concentration camp, located about 20 kilometers east of the city of Linz in Upper Austria, was one of the largest labor camp in the German-controlled part of Europe, and between 1938 and 1945 had a central camp near the village of Mauthausen, and nearly one hundred other subcamps located throughout Austria (and southern Germany).