Though the term is used in other countries to refer to uprisings against the ruling government, the word has special significance in Israel. Nebula 4.2, June 2007 Keramati: …The Palestinian Intifada of 1987 108 long-term frustration and a natural inclination to revolutionary action spontaneously and collectively burst out, like a volcano, with hostility and violence. The first Intifada Intifada" means "shaking up" or "shaking off," and is the term applied to the uprisings against Israel in modern times. La primera intifada és el nom donat a la revolta palestina que va esclatar a la fi de 1987 en Cisjordània i en la Franja de Gaza.Aquest conflicte va tenir lloc entre el 8 de desembre de 1987 i l'anomenada Conferència de Madrid de 1991, tot i que algunes fonts situen el final de la revolta el 13 de setembre de 1993, quan se signaren els Acords d'Oslo. Israel’s First Intifada lasted from 1987 until 1991, finally dying