Price: 40.0 | Trading Volume: 24 | Trading offers and prices for "Tiberon Prime Set" The Tiberon is a Tenno-made three round burst-fire rifle. Price: 22.5 | Trading Volume: 2 | Trading offers and prices for "Tiberon Prime Stock" Price: 8.5 | Trading Volume: 8 | Trading offers and prices for "Kronen Prime Blueprint" This weapon deals primarily Puncture damage. Price: 17.5 | Trading Volume: 2 | Trading offers and prices for "Tiberon Prime Blueprint"
Tiberon Prime Prices from the Trade Chat and Warframe Market. The Tiberon Prime is the Prime version of the three round burst-fire rifle, Tiberon.
The Tiberon Prime is the select-fire Prime version of the three round burst-fire rifle, Tiberon, featuring overall higher stats. Compared to most burst-fire rifles, the Tiberon is much more accurate and primarily deals Puncture damage, albeit at the cost of reduced status chance. Set: 42.5p, Barrel: 14.5p, Blueprint: 10p, Orokin Cell: No data, Receiver: No data, Stock: 16p, .