And we've got the same conflict with the film, besides the changes after the screen adaptation. Soldados de Salamina (2003) Release Info. Professor Lola Sánchez investigates the truth behind The Basics. Join the Community . Videos Trailers 1; Teasers 0; Clips 0; Behind the Scenes 0; Bloopers 0; Featurettes 0; Login to edit. Edit. Help Center Contributor Zone Polls. Professor Lola Sánchez investigates the truth behind the events experienced by Rafael Sánchez Mazas, one of the founders of the Falange Española party, during the Spanish Civil War.
For Industry Professionals . And we've got the same conflict with the film, besides the changes after the screen adaptation. Weitere Informationen zu diesem und anderen Filmen auf! All Titles TV Episodes Celebs Companies Keywords; Advanced Search. URL.
Soldiers of Salamina” Share “Soldiers of Salamina” with your friends and start a discussion on Facebook or Twitter! When the professor and writer Lola Sánchez is assigned to write a column in the newspaper about the Spanish Civil War, she researches and finds for the first time about the shooting of Rafael Sánchez Mazas. IMDb The Movie Database. Soldados de Salamina (2003) is a drama, war movie starring Ariadna Gil and Ramon Fontserè. Soldados de Salamina: Ein Film von David Trueba mit Joan Dalmau und Ariadna Gil.
Ficha. En esta primera parte el protagonista Javier Cercas nos explica como llegó a conocer la historia de Rafael Sánchez Matas a través de su hijo Ferlósio. El guión, argumento y personajes con dirección de David Trueba Community. Soldados de Salamina was written by Javier Cercas in 2001, praised by critics, loved by readers and subsequently became a best-seller in Spain. Soldados de Salamina - Película dirigida por David Trueba, protagonizada por Ariadna Gil, Ramon Fontserè, Joan Dalmau, María Botto It is directed by David Trueba. Sign In. Soldados de Salamina was based on a true story and the real-life Joaquim Figueras appears in the film, along with several other people who took part in the shelter and capture of Mazas. And like the main character, never gets to close to the real drama of the Spanish Civil War, except in two or three things. Directed by David Trueba. All. And like the main character, never gets to close to the real drama of the Spanish Civil War, except in two or three things. Soldados de Salamina Trailer • 1:18 • October 6, 2006. pavs7. You need to be logged in to continue. With Ariadna Gil, Ramon Fontserè, Joan Dalmau, María Botto. Soldados de Salamina es el cuarto libro de narrativa del escritor español Javier Cercas, [2] publicado en marzo de 2001 por Tusquets Editores. Watchlist.
Comment on FacebookComment Comment on TwitterComment. Original title. Se trata de combinar ficción y realidad, y aparte de la historia que nos quiere contar, explica cómo empezó y desarrolló el proceso de escribir el libro. Click here to login or here to sign up. Soldados de Salamina (2001), novela escrita por Javier Cercas, me ha resultado curiosa sobre todo por la manera de la que ha sido compuesta. Título: Soldados de Salamina Formato: DVDrip Género: Drama, Suspenso Año: 2003 Director: David Trueba Actores: Ariadna Gil, Ramón Fontserè, Joan Dalmau, María Botto, Diego Luna Sinopsis.
When the professor and writer Lola Sánchez is assigned to write a column in the newspaper about the Spanish Civil War, she researches and finds for the first time about the shooting of Rafael Sánchez Mazas. Soldiers of Salamina (2003) ← Back to main.