In this study, we estimate the shoreline retreat, the vulnerability and the erosion rates of an open beach-dune system under projected sea level rise (SLR) and the action of wind-waves (separately and in combination). Anàlisi extremal Bayessià de tempestes d’onatge a la costa catalana 80 10.2. 1 Departamento de Sistemas Físicos, Químicos y Naturales, Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Ctra. The oceanographic data set consists of observed hourly data from 7 buoys disseminated along the Spanish coastline, and hindcasted 3-hourly analogous parameters (SIMAR 44 database), provided by Puertos del Estado. comportament del node SIMAR_CAL_2057048 es correspon amb les previsions fetes per Puertos del Estado a partir de mesures reals. Estos datos son facilitados por Puertos del Estado, podemos encontrarlas en elenlace ejemplo que aparece a continuación.5.2.1.- Método de distribución de frecuenciasSe toma la muestra del punto WANA-SIMAR 1025015, los máximos temporales anuales desde1958 hasta 2011 y se ordenan por Hs, de mayor a menor. The following table lists them for each data set. The wave data used is extracted from the SIMAR-44 database, developed by Puertos del Estado (Spain) us-ing the wave model (WAM) and forced by 10-m winds from the Regional-Scale Model (REMO; Jacob and Podzun 1997). A igualdad de Hs, se ordenan por Tp demayor a menor. Referencing Puertos del Estado as the source of data in any publication, report or presentation that show results derived from the provided information. The temporal coverage spans 44 yr (1958– 2001) with an hourly resolution and a spatial resolution of 1/88–1/128. DATA AND REPORT FEES. As mentioned above, data files and reports to be used in professional remunerated activities have a fee. Biodiversity and distribution of macroinfauna assemblages on sandy beaches along the Gulf of Cadiz (SW Spain) M. José Reyes-Martínez 1, M. Carmen Ruiz-Delgado 1, Juan Emilio Sánchez-Moyano 2, Francisco José García-García 1. A igualdad de Hs …