The Elaeis genus is composed of two species. searching for strains of Elaeis oleifera (Kunth), Cortés, for developing new hybrids with Elaeis guineensis. ... pero son más comunes en E. oleifera o en el híbrido oleifera × guineensis. Hábitat. The first studies for commercial hybrid seed production began in 1998, with 101 crosses from 31,768 seeds obtained from the Amazonian region (Müller et al. 2006). The Elaeis oleifera (Kunth) Cortés (1897) is a slow-growing monoecious species, with single stem, procumbent or erect, 1 to 6 m long, and with 30-50 cm of diameter, rooting in the part in contact with the soil, thickly covered in the youngest part by the residuals of the … Both species yield oil used for food and non-food applications. Majority of the markers showed transferability to Elaeis guineensis while two markers showed transferability across Arecaceae taxa. oleifera tipo Cereté y Elaeis guineensis tipo Deli (Bastidas et al., 2007, 2010) y materiales de laboratorio para los análisis cuantitativos de los racimos. Ten Elaeis oleifera microsatellite markers were developed and characterised from 1500 sequences of the E. oleifera genomic library. Elaeis oleifera y Elaeis guineensis: fotos, identificación e información Elaeis guineensis de hoja entera: foto de este caso singular identificado Elaeis oleifera: fotos de palma aceitera Elaeis oleifera is a large, single-stemmed, pinnate-leaved, evergreen palm growing 6 metres or more tall. Lo que pasa es que la oleifera no se cosecha asi que queda el monton de hojas secas acumulandose alrededor del tronco, y hace que el aspecto es algo diferente.
Slightly more attractive than its old world cousin, Elaeis guineensis, this palm also is a major producer of oil-filled seeds. and E. oleifera (HBK) Cortes. Some hybrids showed good tolerance to LD infection, but they presented Dit word in die kommersiële landbou gebruik vir die produksie van palmolie. Elaeis is een geslacht van palmen.Het geslacht telt twee soorten die bekendstaan als oliepalmen.
It has a large, full crown of 12' long leaves, leaflets more on an even plane than its cousin (more plumose), and trunks are mostly prostrate. Under Aracaceae, genus Elaeis consists of two important species, namely E. guineensis Jacq. Elaeis oleifera est une espèce néotropicale de palmiers à feuilles pennées, appelée Palmier à huile américain en Guyane, Dendé do Pará au Brésil [4] et palma americana de aceite, palma aceitera, nolí, Corozal, Corozo, Palma de cebo, Coqueiro de dente, Coquito, Palmique, Yolí, Corozo del Sinú, Ñoli ou Corocito en espagnol.. Cette espèce est rare et protégée en Guyane [5], [6 The African oil palm (Elaeis guineensis) is native from Africa and can be found in spontaneous populations or in cultivated fields in all tropical regions of Africa, Southeast Asia, and South and Central America.The American oil palm, also known as Caiaué (Elaeis oleifera) is endemic to the humid tropical zone of Latin America. Proteome data was obtained from the fruit mesocarps of the two oil palm species, namely, the African Elaeis guineensis (commercial tenera or commonly known as D x P and MPOB-Nigerian tenera) and the South American Elaeis oleifera.Total proteins were extracted from randomly selected fruitlets and subjected to proteomics characterisation by means of liquid chromatography mass spectrometry. oleifera tipo Cereté y Elaeis guineensis tipo Deli (Bastidas et al., 2007, 2010) y materiales de laboratorio para los análisis cuantitativos de los racimos. It is native to west and southwest Africa, occurring between Angola and Gambia. Notes on Taxonomy and Nomenclature Top of page. Elaeis (from Greek, meaning 'oil') is a genus of palms containing two species, called oil palms.They are used in commercial agriculture in the production of palm oil.The African oil palm Elaeis guineensis (the species name guineensis referring to its country of origin) is the principal source of palm oil.
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