(Source: Consejo Regulador de la DOCa Rioja, 2018) Aging requirements (for reds, prior to changes taking effect from 2019 vintage) Joven: No ageing specified, but generally under 15 months with no or little time in oak. Rioja aus Logroño auf der ProWein 2020 in Düsseldorf in Halle 10 Stand B62 Terms and conditions of access to and use of our website 1.- Ownership. Tag Archives: Consejo Regulador DOC Rioja. The Consejo Regulador (Regulating Council) was created in 1926 with the objective of limiting the zones of production, expanding the warranty of the wine and controlling the use of the name "Rioja".
El sitio donde formarte en vinos de Rioja. Pod koniec 2019 roku na rynku pojawiły się pierwsze wina z oficjalną pieczęcią viñedo singular.
Besuchen Sie Consejo Regulador de la D.O.Ca.
Al mismo tiempo se creó un Consejo Regulador de la Denominación de Origen Rioja (en lo sucesivo, «Consejo Regulador del Rioja»). Rioja Red Blend is a term used to describe the combination of red-wine varieties used in the red wines of Rioja.Spain's Tempranillo forms the base of the blend for the majority of the wines in this category, with Garnacha (Grenache), Mazuelo (Carignan) and Graciano making up the balance. This was in 1991. Download the vector logo of the RIOJA Consejo Regulador Denominación Origen Calificada brand designed by Consejo Regulador Denominación Origen Calificada in Adobe® Illustrator® format. Koncepcja powrotu do terroir nie jest obca władzom Consejo Regulador DOCa Rioja. Crianza: Must be kept at least two years at the winery, with a minimum of one year in small oak barrels Nowa klasyfikacja ma podkreślać lokalny charakter poszczególnych win. Posted on July 24, 2012 by Richard Jennings. La Denominación de Origen Calificada Rioja está situada en el norte de España, a ambos márgenes del río Ebro. Living in California wine country, I think of our local appellations as a convenient way of dividing up the winegrowing regions.
Linguee. It’s a decision that I feel pretty sure the Spanish wine industry will look back on as the moment that the country embraced the idea of terroir and all that goes with it. Rioja aus Logroño auf der ProWein 2020 in Düsseldorf in Halle 10 Stand B62 Suggest as a translation of "Consejo Regulador de la Rioja" Copy; DeepL Translator Linguee. Look up words and phrases in comprehensive, reliable bilingual dictionaries and search through billions of online translations.
Besuchen Sie Consejo Regulador de la D.O.Ca. Translator. Rioja’s All-Powerful Consejo. The Consejo regulador in Rioja announced the introduction of a Singular Vineyard designation to be known as Viñedos Singulares. Translate texts with the world's best machine translation technology, developed by the creators of Linguee. The current status of the logo is active, which means the logo is currently in use. Rioja from Logroño at ProWein 2020 in Düsseldorf in Hall 10 Stand B62 Winery detail - Consejo Regulador DOCa Rioja - Riojawine ... Rioja was the first Designation of Origin in Spain to earn Calificada status. This Council became legally structured in 1945 and was finally inaugurated in 1953. Open menu. En sus más de 65.000 hectáreas, sus pueblos y sus viñas desarrollan una personalidad propia, haciendo de Rioja una tierra única. The main functions of the Control Board of the Designation of Origin Jumilla are to protect the Designation of Origin by enforcing compliance with its Regulations and to promote and control the wines included within the Designation.. A rigorous and effective control system makes Rioja synonymous with the highest quality. Blog Press Information. EN. ASÍ ES RIOJA Tres zonas, mil vinos. The Consejo Regulador of Rioja DOCa has awarded four new industry ambassadors in recognition of their commitment to Spain’s flagship wine region and supporting UK marketing activities. oami.europa.eu At that time, Se divide en tres grandes zonas: Rioja Alta, Alavesa y Oriental. Visit Consejo Regulador de la D.O.Ca. Quality control and Certification.
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