The term oxen, broadly used, refers also to closely related animals, such as the buffalo and the bison.
The Aurochs, or urus, (Bos primigenius) was a large species of cattle, once common in Europe but now extinct.It was a wild animal, not a domesticated animal. des sous-espèces non décrites. Those who do call aurochs 'Bos primigenius primigenius' and modern cattle 'Bos primigenius taurus' while others drop the middle name. The Aurochs was a species of massive cattle that stood around 6.6 feet tall and was found across Asia, North Africa and Europe. The word aurochs is both singular and plural; alternative plural forms are aurochsen or urus. Taxonomy. The aurochs was variously classified as Bos primigenius, Bos taurus, or, in old sources, Bos urus. The Aurochs (also known as urus or Bos primigenius), were the ancestors of domestic cattle, was a type of large wild cattle which inhabited Europe, Asia and North Africa, but is now unfortunately extinct; it survived in Europe until 1627. Now extinct, the Aurochs is the common ancestor of today’s domestic cattle and was a prominent symbol in in range of independently diverse cultures. les aurochs nord-africains (Bos primigenius africanus = Bos primigenius opisthonomous = Bos primigenius mauretanicus) ». It was a wild animal, not a domesticated animal. L'Auroch ou l'Aurochs, Bos primigenius : Animal mythique, l’Aurochs est l’ancêtre sauvage de tous nos bovins domestiques : de la grosse Charolaise, blanche, à la laitière Holstein, noire et blanche en passant par la Blanc Bleu Belge cularde !
It was a wild animal, not a domesticated animal. The aurochs (Bos primigenius) is an extinct European mammal of the Bovidae family. The most famous, Bos primigenius primigenius, was native to Eurasia and is the animal depicted in the Lascaux cave paintings. aurochs: see cattle cattle, name for the ruminant mammals of the genus Bos, and particularly those of the domesticated species, Bos taurus and B. indica. It is extinct now. IUCN: Bos primigenius Bojanus, 1827 (old web site) (Extinct)
Fotosearch - Une Photothèque Mondiale - Un Site Web TM There are many projects in Europe attempting to 'recreate' the aurochs by 'back-breeding'; crossing modern cattle breeds that have lots of aurochs … The extinct aurochs/urus is a not the same species as the wisent (the European bison). Cette espèce vivait dans les plaines et marais alors que son cousin, le Bison, vivait plutôt dans les forêts. The Aurochs, or urus, (Bos primigenius) was a large species of cattle, once common in Europe but now extinct. As ruled by Opinion 2027 the scientific name of the Aurochs can either be Bos primigenius (as a species) or Bos primigenius primigenius (as a subspecies).