Comuna 13 still has a long way to go, but at least the future looks far brighter for what was once one of the most dangerous neighborhoods in the world. The La Sierra walking tour in Medellin, Colombia provides travelers with a unique and honest understanding of the violent and troubled history of Communa 8. Institutional areas are large sectors with some neighborhood characteristics, but its populations are not permanent and lack housing. The neighborhood is built on steep hills outside of the main city – a labyrinth of tiny houses and cottages connected by streets, paths and stairs. With the installation of Medellin Metrocable in 2004, the neighbourhoods in Comuna Popular has gone from 5 pm curfew to welcoming investors and tourists to witness its progressing glory. High above the city centre of Medellin, our van came to a cul-de-sac walled in on three sides by the slopes of Comuna 13 – home to more than 20 local … Robledo consists of 21 barrios and three other areas: campuses of University of Antioquia and National University plus the Eco-park Cerro El Volador. It demonstrates the social problems many of the cities poorest barrios have been plagued with over the past twenty-five years, at the same time being very informative about the cultural, social and economic transformation that Medellin Itagüí está dividido en 6 Comunas urbanas, dentro de las comunas se ubican cada uno de los barrios; en total, la Ciudad cuenta con 71 barrios urbanos oficiales. Henry Lewis on February 15, 2020. Many Americans still ask if it’s safe to travel to Colombia. Once the most dangerous barrio in Medellín, Comuna 13 is now one of the city's most visited. Medellin. But our tour only had like 10 people on it, and the other tours had about 50. A Tee Representing The City You Love! Communes are then divided into neighborhoods (Spanish: barrios) and institutional areas.The city has 249 neighborhoods and 20 institutional areas. Habitantes: Total 2 508 452 habitantes en su área municipal y 3 821 797 personas (2016) en su área metropolitana en 2010. La Comuna n.º 4 Aranjuez es una de las 16 comunas de la ciudad de Medellín, capital del Departamento de Antioquia.Está localizada en la zona nororiental de la ciudad, limita por el norte con las comunas n.º 1 y 2 Popular y Santa Cruz; por el oriente con la comuna n.º 3 Manrique; por el occidente con el río Medellín y por el sur con la comuna n.º 10 La Candelaria. “,”nextArrow”:”“,”rtl”:false}’ dir=”ltr”> “I’ve never felt more welcome in a city before” “The locals go out of their way to help me!