AeroAventure, San Martin de los Andes: See 43 reviews, articles, and 71 photos of AeroAventure, ranked No.10 on Tripadvisor among 30 attractions in San Martin de los Andes.
96. Directory of services close to 13 de Febrero, Departamento Punilla (Pedanía San Roque, Municipio de Villa Carlos Paz, Villa Carlos Paz: shops, restaurants, leisure and sports facilities, hospitals, gas stations and other places of interest. Museo Primeros Pobladores.
... Aerosilla al Glaciar Martial. “You can do all the same activities—ride mountain bikes, ascend volcanoes, and kayak lakes and rivers—but with far fewer people.” Julián Carielo, AndesTrack San Martín de los Andes is a tourist destination in both summer and winter, and is the seat of the administration headquarters of the Lanín National Park.The South American Bird Fair, the main birding meeting in the continent, takes place in the town. Brave souls also swim in the chilly waters of Lago Lácar on the western edge of town.
San Martin de los Andes ist eine Kleinstadt mit etwa 20.000 Einwohnern in der Andenregion der Provinz Neuquén.Es ist der bekannteste Ferienort der Provinz, liegt am Lago Lácar und ist neben der landschaftlichen Schönheit auch für sein reizvolles Stadtbild bekannt, das sich an Orten in …
Tourism. In many ways, San Martín de los Andes could be considered the younger sibling of its better-known neighbor, some 118 miles (190 kilometers) to the south—San Carlos de Bariloche. La Casa céntrica SONNE. The park’s centerpiece is Lago Nahuel Huapi, a glacial remnant over 100km long that covers … 121.8k Followers, 2,677 Following, 1,730 Posts - See Instagram photos and videos from San Martin de los Andes (@sanmartindelosandes_arg) Map of 13 de Febrero, Departamento Punilla (Pedanía San Roque, Municipio de Villa Carlos Paz, Villa Carlos Paz, Manuel Belgrano). San Martín de los Andes se encuentra en San Martín de los Andes, a 5 km del Cerro Chapelco, a 700 metros del Parque Nacional Lanín y a 400 metros de San Martín de los Andes. Located on the shores of Lake Lácar, within the Lanín National Park, San Martín de los Andes is a paradise of peace and quietness, immersed in an environment of rivers, waterfalls, mounts and magical forests. La Colella se encuentra a 4 km del parque nacional Lanín y a 500 metros de San Martín de los Andes. Kunst- und Kunsthandwerksläden sowie traditionelle Lebensmittelproduzenten erfreuen die Besucher, die gerne … One of Argentina’s most-visited national parks, Nahuel Huapi occupies 7500 sq km in the mountainous southwestern Neuquén and western Río Negro provinces. Chapelco is a ski centre in Argentina and South America for winter sports like skiing and snowboarding amongst others.
El alojamiento ofrece un servicio de link con el aeropuerto por un adicional.
No tips or reviews. San Martín de los Andes an den Ufern des verträumten Lácar-Sees ist ein patagonisches Paradies.
Explore San Martín de los Andes holidays and discover the best time and places to visit.
Between these times it’s a quiet little town with a spectacular setting that retains much of the charm and architectural unity that once attracted people to Bariloche. Vogelkundler schwirren zur jährlichen Feria de Aves de Sudamérica, während Abenteurer mit dem Kajak, auf Skiern oder dem Mountainbike durch die atemberaubende Landschaft brausen. El aeropuerto Aviador Carlos Campos, el más cercano, está a 23 km.